Alexandre Prezanti
Alexandre Prezanti specialises in international criminal law and human rights, undertaking evidential analysis in large complex cases, legal drafting and strategic litigation. From deforestation in South-East Asia, to environmental damage in Eastern Ukraine, Alexandre has led multiple investigations into environmental crimes, and pursues novel avenues for redress. He has professional knowledge of English, French and Russian and has been called to the Bar of England and Wales.

Kristin Rosella
Kristin Rosella is a US lawyer with 15 years of experience advising and representing multinational corporations, accused in international tribunals, and survivors of mass atrocities and human rights abuses. She has trained over 1000 lawyers, members of law enforcement, and individuals from the private sector and NGOs on transnational crimes, financial crimes, and atrocity crimes. With co-counsel in France, she is spearheading a case against a French bank for financial crimes and alleged complicity in genocide, crimes against humanity, and torture.

Sadaf Kashfi
Sadaf Kashfi is a licensed lawyer in New York, and British Columbia (Canada). She advises clients on complex cross-border immigration, human rights, business compliance, and criminal law. She has clerked at the Pre-Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers for the Courts of Cambodia and worked with Global Diligence LLP, investigating land grabbing and environmental destruction as international crimes.

Nicholas Robson
Nicholas Robson is a barrister specialised in international humanitarian law. He has practiced at the UN Tribunal for the Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Court. With particular expertise in the Balkans, Palestine, Pakistan and Somalia, Nicholas has led several EU or UK-funded missions. Nicholas is actively involved in various initiatives to tackle climate change, including local government mitigation plans and reforestation projects.

Dr. Jelena Aparac
Dr. Jelena Aparac is an independent expert and lecturer in international criminal law. She was assigned by the UN Human Rights Council to serve on the UN Working Group on the Use of Mercenaries. With a PhD focused on the ‘international liability of corporations for international crimes committed in non-international armed conflicts’ she has contributed to the negotiations on establishing a Treaty on Business and Human Rights and has drafted several complaints against corporations for rights abuses. Dr. Aparac worked for Doctors Without Borders as Legal Adviser in international humanitarian law and has served in South Sudan, DR Congo and the Chad/CAR/Darfur border.