Climate Counsel pursues environmental justice through international criminal law. We investigate situations involving destruction of the natural environment and harm to dependent communities. We litigate on behalf of affected communities to bring perpetrators to justice.
We are a team of former United Nations lawyers dedicated to environmental and climate justice. With decades of experience at the UN international criminal tribunals, we use our expertise in war crimes and crimes against humanity to tackle the environmental crisis.
Climate Counsel is a non-profit foundation (stichting) registered in The Hague, the Netherlands, the home of international law. We are certified as the equivalent of a U.S Certified Public Charity by NGOsource.
Environmental justice
international criminal law

“Twenty-five years ago people could be excused for not knowing much, or doing much, about climate change. Today we have no excuse.”
— Archbishop Demond Tutu

Current Projects
Our projects are country specific or thematic - focusing on a particular legal area. They include research and advocacy to develop this unique field of law, or investigations with a view to litigation, sanctions or divestment.
Our team have been featured in some of the world’s leading publications.

Climate Counsel’s series on the nexus between climate, security, and conflict